marți, 27 octombrie 2009

Baraka - Mai mult decat un film

Am avut ocazia sa urmaresc azi un film deosebit, pentru care am zis ca merita sa scriu un post. Filmul cu pricina se numeste Baraka, si este extrem de complex. De la bun inceput voi spune ca e un film de arta, nu e pentru toata lumea, trebuie inteles si rumegat.
Replicile lipsesc complet, pe ecran apare o insiruire imagini filmate in mai multe tari de pe diferite continente.Pe durata a aproximativ 100 de minute prin fata ochilor vor aparea imagini splendide,uneori dureroase ,dar cu siguranta marcante.
Totul e un periplu prin diferite civilizatii , un elogiu adus vietii cu toate elementele ei componente(bine, rau ,credinta, rutina), dar in primul rand o prezentare a locurilor in care natura a ramas neatinsa de toate schimbarile si modernizarile tehnologice din lumea actuala; un contrast intre lumea noastra plina de forfota,stress,etc si lumea lor a celor ce traiesc o viata simpla in natura;o comparatie intre viata de la inceputurile existentei, si viata de acum.
E greu sa revenim la viata stramosilor nostri, insa cu siguranta fiecare avem nevoie uneori de o "baraka" a noastra in care doar sa traim,pur si simplu.
Eu va doresc vizionare placuta celor ce veti decide sa urmariti acest film, si va spun un lucru : Privindu-l, va veti da seama cat de adevarata este expresia : "O imagine face mai mult decat o mie de cuvinte".

luni, 26 octombrie 2009

Pulp - Common People

Pulp - common people
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica

She came from Greece, she had a thirst for knowledge
She studied sculpture at Saint Martin's College
That's where I caught her eye
She told me that her Dad was loaded
I said "In that case I'll have rum and coca-cola
She said "fine"
And then in 30 seconds time she said
"I want to live like common people
I want to do whatever common people do
I want to sleep with common people
I want to sleep with common people like you"
Well what else could I do?
I said "I'll see what I can do"
I took her to a supermarket
I don't know why
but I had to start it somewhere
so it started there
I said "pretend you've got no money"
but she just laughed
and said "oh you're so funny"
I said "Yeah
Well I can't see anyone else smiling in here
Are you sure
you want to live like common people
you want to see whatever common people see
you want to sleep with common people
you want to sleep with common people like me?"
But she didn't understand
she just smiled and held my hand
Rent a flat above a shop
Cut your hair and get a job
Smoke some fags and play some pool
Pretend you never went to school
But still you'll never get it right
'cos when you're laid in bed at night
watching roaches climb the wall
if you called your dad he could stop it all
You'll never live like common people
You'll never do whatever common people do
You'll never fail like common people
You'll never watch your life slide out of view
and then dance and drink and screw
because there's nothing else to do
Sing along with the common people
Sing along and it might just get you through
Laugh along with the common people
Laugh along although they're laughing at you
and the stupid things that you do
because you think that poor is cool
Like a dog lying in a corner
they will bite you and never warn you
Look out
they'll tear your insides out
'cos everybody hates a tourist
especially one who thinks
it's all such a laugh
yeah and the chip stain's grease
will come out in the bath
You will never understand
how it feels to live your life
with no meaning or control
and with nowhere left to go
You are amazed that they exist
and they burn so bright
whilst you can only wonder why
Rent a flat above a shop
Cut your hair and get a job
Smoke some fags and play some pool
Pretend you never went to school
But still you'll never get it right
'cause when you're laid in bed at night
watching roaches climb the wall
if you called your dad he could stop it all
You'll never live like common people
You'll never do whatever common people do
You'll never fail like common people
You'll never watch your life slide out of view
and then dance and drink and screw
'because there's nothing else to do
I want to live with common people like you.....

sâmbătă, 24 octombrie 2009

Pulp - Disco 2000

Well we were born within one hour of each other.
Our mothers said we could be sister and brother.
Your name is Deborah, Deborah.
It never suited ya.
Oh they thought that when we grew up,
we'd get married, and never split up.
We never did it, although often I thought of it.

Oh Deborah, do you recall?
Your house was very small,
with wood chip on the wall.
When I came around to call,
you didn't notice me at all.

I said let's all meet up in the year 2000.
Won't it be strange when we're all fully grown.
Be there at 2 o'clock by the fountain down the road.
I never knew that you'd get married.
I would be living down here on my own on
that damp and lonely Thursday years ago.

You were the first girl at school to get breasts.
Martyn said that yours were the best.
The boys all loved you but I was a mess.
I had to watch them trying to get you undressed.
We were friends but that was as far as it went.
I used to walk you home sometimes but it meant,
oh it meant nothing to you,
cos you were so popular.

Deborah do you recall?
Your house was very small,
with woodchip on the wall.
When I came around to call,
you didn't notice me at all.

I said let's all meet up in the year 2000.
Won't it be strange when we're all fully grown.
Be there at 2 o'clock by the fountain down the road.
I never knew that you'd get married.
I would be living down here on my own
on that damp and lonely Thursday years ago.

Oh yeah,
oh yeah.

Ah do you recall?
Your house was very small,
with wood chip on the wall.
When I came around to call,
you didn't notice me at all.

I said let's all meet up in the year 2000.
Won't it be strange when we're all fully grown.
Be there at 2 o'clock by the fountain down the road.
I never knew that you'd get married.
I would be living down here on my own,
on that damp and lonely Thursday years ago.
Oh what are you doing Sunday baby.
Would you like to come and meet me maybe?
You can even bring your baby.
Ohhh ooh ooh. Ooh ooh ooh ooh.
What are you doing Sunday baby.
Would you like to come and meet me maby?
You can even bring your baby.
Ooh ooh oh. Ooh ooh ooh ooh. Ooh ooh ooh ooh. Oh.

miercuri, 21 octombrie 2009


* Daca ai putea sa intri si sa traiesti intr-o carte care ar fi aceasta? Dar un film , un cantec?

Mi-ar placea sa traiesc in Morometii, romanul meu preferat. Cu siguranta ar fi o onoare sa-l cunosc pe Ilie Moromete:)
Daca ar fi sa aleg un film, probabil as alege un film istoric,autentic, pentru a lua parte la niste evenimente care au marcat istoria lumii.

* Daca ai putea sa-ti alegi prenumele care ar fi acesta? Dar daca ai fi de gen opus ?

Un fi doua variante
1. vad reactia lumii cand ma prezint cu numele Bula =))
2. Ca sa fiu as avea pretentii sa ma cheme cumva. Numele conteaza prea putin la o persoana.
Daca discutam de gen opus, poate as alege Artemis.

* In ce alta tara ai vrea sa traiesti si de ce?

Franta e o veche pasiune pentru mine.

* Care e visul cel mai neobisnuit pe care l-ai avut si ti-l amintesti?

Visul de dinaintea primului examen din facultate. Am visat ca am picat,in realitate am luat 9,dar mi-a dat ceva emotii:)

* Povesteste o zi din viata ta , imaginandu-ti ca esti un animal.

Cu siguranta as fi o pasare sa pot zbura fara nicio restrictie.Poate un uliu pasnic, sa fiu sigur ca nu ma inghite alta pasare mai mare:))

* Daca ai putea trai in pielea altcuiva pentru o perioada limitata de timp , cine ar fi aceasta persoana si de ce ai ales-o?

Si aici am 2 variante:
-presedintele simti ca poti sa faci ceva,ceva ce conteaza pentru omenire.

* Daca te-ai trezi singur pe lume care crezi ca ti-ar fi primele ganduri si ce ai face prima data?

Prima reactie: "Pfuu...ce liniste . Hai sa dorm putin."
A doua zi : "Alo....are cineva chef de o plimbare?Alooo....baaa, unde sunteti toti?"

Mircea Vintila - Pamantul deocamdata (Versuri de Adrian Paunescu)

Timpul vietii ni- scurt
Hai sa-l facem curat,
Traiesc unii din furt
Altii doar din ce-au dat,
Sunt saraci si bogati
Lovesc lasii pe bravi;
Voi ce-n luna zburati
Pan'la cer va urcati
Pe spinari de noi sclavi

Pe pamant avem de toate
Si mai bune si mai rele,
Si-nchisori si libertate
Si-a putea si nu se poate
Si noroi si stele.

Voi ce-n luna zburati
Cu-ale voastre izbanzi
Nu uitati c-aveti frati
Pe planeta,flamanzi.
Painea lor o mancati
Printre stele zburand,
Voi degeaba zburati
Cand cei subdezvoltati
Se tarasc pe pamant.

Pe pamant avem de toate
Si mai bune si mai rele,
Si-nchisori si libertate
Si-a putea si nu se poate
Si noroi si stele.

Lumea-i plina de rani
Si de doctori docenti
Si de masti si de vami
Si de mari inocenti;
Fiindca nasteti copii
Aparat-i luptand,
Doborati monstrii vii
Ce de-un veac de vecii
Dolii pun pe pamant.

Pe pamant avem de toate
Si mai bune si mai rele,
Si-nchisori si libertate
Si-a putea si nu se poate
Si noroi si stele.

Intre cei care trag
Si acei ce sunt trasi
Nu e loc de vreun steag
E o groapa de pasi
Intre ei sunt sudati
Cu un stramb ideal,
Cum sunt bine legati
Condamnatul de lat
Si biciusca de cal.

Pe pamant avem de toate
Si mai bune si mai rele,
Si-nchisori si libertate
Si-a putea si nu se poate
Si noroi si stele.

Fii ai muncii aveti
Nadusela pe piept
Cum sta nurca de pret
Pe-al madamelor piept
Unii iau,altii fac,
Unii dorm,altii sunt,
Intre inger si drac
Trage omul sarac,
Inhamat la pamant.

Pe pamant avem de toate
Si mai bune si mai rele,
Si-nchisori si libertate
Si-a putea si nu se poate
Si ruina si cetate
Genii mari si frunti tembele,
Vant ce sta si vant ce bate
Si martiri dar si lichele,
Nedereptate,si dreptate
Si-a putea si nu se poate
Si noroi si stele.

duminică, 18 octombrie 2009

vineri, 16 octombrie 2009

The Killers - Spaceman

It started with a low light
Next thing I knew they ripped me from my bed
And then they took my blood type
It left a strange impression in my head
You know that I was hoping
That I could leave this starcrossed world behind
But when they cut me open
I guess I changed my mind
And you know I might
Have just flown too far from the floor this time
Cause they calling me by my name
And the zipping white light beams
Disregarding the bombs and satellites

That was the turning point
That was one lonely night

The songmaker says it ain't so bad
The dream maker's gonna make you mad
The spaceman says everybody look down!
It's all in your mind

Now I'm back at home and
I’m looking forward to this life I live
You know it's going to haunt me
So hesitation to this life I give
You think you might cross over
You're caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
You better look it over
Before you make that leap

And you know I'm fine, but I hear those voices at night
Sometimes, they justify my claim
And the public don’t dwell on my transmission
Cause It wasn’t televised

But it was the turning point
O what a lonely night

The song maker says it ain't so bad
The dream maker's gonna make you mad
The spaceman says everybody look down!
It's all in your mind

The song maker says it ain't so bad
The dream makers's gonna make you mad
The spaceman says everybody look down!
It's all in your mind

My global position systems are vocally addressed
They said the nile used to run from east to west
They said the nile used to run… from east to west

I'm fine,
but I hear those voices at night

The song maker says it ain't so bad
The dream maker's gonna make you mad
The spaceman says everybody look down!
It's all in your mind

The song maker says it ain't so bad
The dream maker's gonna make you mad
The spaceman says everybody look down!
It's all in your mind

It's all in my mind
It's all in my mind
It's all in my mind
It's all in my mind
It's all in my mind
It's all in my... mind

The Killers - Read My Mind

On the corner of main street
Just tryin' to keep it in line
You say you wanna move on and
You say I'm falling behind

Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?

I never really gave up on
Breakin' out of this two-star town
I got the green light
I got a little fight
I'm gonna turn this thing around

Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?

The good old days, the honest man;
The restless heart, the Promised Land
A subtle kiss that no one sees;
A broken wrist and a big trapeze

Oh well I don't mind, if you don't mind
'Cause I don't shine if you don't shine
Before you go, can you read my mind?

It’s funny how you just break down
Waitin' on some sign
I pull up to the front of your driveway
With magic soakin' my spine

Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?

The teenage queen, the loaded gun;
The drop dead dream, the Chosen One
A southern drawl, a world unseen;
A city wall and a trampoline

Oh well I don't mind, if you don't mind
'Cause I don't shine if you don't shine
Before you jump
Tell me what you find when you read my mind

Slippin’ in my faith until I fall
You never returned that call
Woman, open the door, don't let it sting
I wanna breathe that fire again

She said I don't mind, if you don't mind
'Cause I don't shine if you don't shine

Put your back on me
Put your back on me
Put your back on me

The stars are blazing like rebel diamonds cut out of the sun
When you read my mind
Te nasti.esti mic
doar un scancet iti anunta sosirea.
nu ai nimic
dar in curand dori-vei totul
vrei nemurirea.

Mai cresti putin
si ti se pare
ca ai trecut de mezanin.
Cladirea totusi e prea mare
manat de intrigi si ocare
esti chiar mai mic ca-n ziua-n care
tipai sa stie lumea "Vin!".


Alerg,incerc,te vreau,te simt
Iubesc, mint.

Nu te opresti
Nu ma doresti
Nu mai insist.prostesc.te parasesc.

Exist din nou

sâmbătă, 10 octombrie 2009

The Cure - Cut Here

"So we meet again!" and I offer my hand
All dry and English slow
And you look at me and I understand
Yeah it's a look I used to know
"Three long years... and your favourite man...
Is that any way to say hello?"
And you hold me... like you'll never let me go

"Oh c'mon and have a drink with me
Sit down and talk a while..."
"Oh I wish I could... and I will!
But now I just don't have the time..."
And over my shoulder as I walk away
I see you give that look goodbye...
I still see that look in your eye...

So dizzy Mr. Busy - Too much rush to talk to Billy
All the silly frilly things have to first get done
In a minute - sometime soon - maybe next time - make it June
Until later... doesn't always come

It's so hard to think "It ends sometime
And this could be the last
I should really hear you sing again
And I should really watch you dance"
Because it's hard to think
"I'll never get another chance
To hold you... to hold you... "

But chilly Mr. Dilly - Too much rush to talk to Billy
All the tizzy fizzy idiot things must get done
In a second - just hang on - all in good time - wont be long
Until later...

I should've stopped to think - I should've made the time
I could've had that drink - I could've talked a while
I would've done it right - I would've moved us on
But I didn't - now it's all too late
It's over... over
And you're gone..

I miss you I miss you I miss you
I miss you I miss you I miss you so much

But how many times can I walk away and wish "If only..."
But how many times can I talk this way and wish "If only..."
Keep on making the same mistake
Keep on aching the same heartbreak
I wish "If only..."

But "If only...."
Is a wish too late...

Pasarea Colibri - Bal in salonul oval

Diseara e bal in salonul oval.
Pune-ti condurii, Cenusareasa,
Si crinolina roze de matasa.
Printese de aur vor tine parada,
Cavaleri in armuri vor duce bravada.

Orchestra intreaga imbracata-n firet
Ne va invita la un cald menuet.
Priviri de safir iti voi oferi
Cand dansul cu gratie vom dantui.

Parfumuri discrete, dantele cochete
Pluti-vor prin aerul cald de la bal
Diseara tarziu, tarziu in salonul oval.

Si-n scurt timp apoi, dupa miezul de noapte,
Cand muzica dulce ne leagana-n soapte,
Tu nu vei fugi cum povestea o spune
Caci smoala pe scari am uitat a o pune.

Mai stai deci iubito, Cenusareaso,
Acuma, cand mana mea ar cam vrea
S-o cuprinda pe-a ta intr-un gest de amor
Si condurul observ ti-a ramas in picior.

Acuma cand luna cu raze oliv
Ne priveste duios prin vitraliul ogiv
Cum plangem orchestra moarta in stal
Ce trist e acest bal dïn salonul oval.

Pasarea Colibri - Tristeti Provinciale


Tristeti de dupa-amezi ploioase
Si de nostalgice obsesii,
Cand stai cu storurile trase
Si-astepti sa vie ora mesii…
Tristeti de strazi pustii si mute,
Cu ziduri vechi si cu fatade
De edificii cunoscute
In care nu stii cine sade…
De domicilii spatioase
Cu flori la geam si cu salon,
Din care pe la ceasul sase
Auzi urland un gramofon…

Tristeti de goarna funerara,
Melancolii de catelusi
Uitati de cineva pe-afara
Sa scheaune pe langa usi…
Tristeti romantice de fata
Cu nasul lung si demodat,
Si de odaie mobilata
In care-a stat un magistrat

Tristeti pustii, molipsitoare…
De ce ma urmariti mereu
Si, fie ploaie ori ninsoare,
Va tineti scaï de capul meu?…

luni, 5 octombrie 2009


A fost odata soare
Pe niste culmi de munti
In inima o boare
In suflete ardoare
Si descretite frunti.

Si-a fost odata luna plina
Pe-aceleasi culmi de munti
Si revarsa lumina lina
Facand si noaptea mai senina
Si intre stele punti.

A fost si-o iarna mai nebuna
Pe-acele culmi de munti
Si cu a sa stihie
Facea pe loc sa nu mai fie
Pe muntii cei carunti
Nici soare si nici luna.

Si era totu-ntunecat
In muntii cei stingheri
Caci viata toata a plecat
Rapid,spre alte veri.

Acuma totul e-n zadar
Si muntii sunt cuminti
Din cand in cand apare iar
Un soare, dar cu dinti.

vineri, 2 octombrie 2009

Spring in Lhasa - Oliver Shanti

Tibetul, una din cele mai fascinante zone de pe Pamant


Cioc cioc cioc
Rasuna-n poarta vietii tale
Si te astept iar stand pe loc
of..nici acuma n-am noroc
si iarasi nu-mi raspunde nimeni
si-i jale.

Caci te-ai inchis in toamna,
Ai aruncat si cheia-n iarna...
Dar totusi sper s-avem noroc
la primavara.
Sa-nmugurim intaia oara
ca florile-aurii de soc
ce lumineaz-o zi de vara,
batandu-si frunza cu soroc
sub lungi acorduri de chitara.